Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Journal #2

Whenever I am sad or mad or down the song I listen to is "Everything Is Gonna Be Alright." I can not tell you the amount of times I have listened to it. This song is by Bob Marley who I love very much. His style of music is reggae and reggae soothes me. You could say it calms me down because the tune is just so relaxing and it makes you feel like you are on an island having a good time! There will be many times when I would fall asleep to it. This particular song is my favorite because it is a song that just makes you want to be happy. Clearly the title, "Everything Is Gonna Be Alright" tells you a little bit about the song; it is self explanatory. In the lyrics Marley says "don't worry about a thing 'cause every little thing is gonna be alright." When I am sad or mad I immediately tell myself that and it helps me move on. But honestly, in my opinion, that would work on anybody. I also think that this song could teach a person a lesson. In the beginning of the song Bob says that when you wake up in the morning and see the sun and hear the birds chirping and singing they are trying to send a message to you. I think that when they do this they are trying to tell you that it is a beautiful day and you should just be happy to be living.

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