Thursday, October 11, 2012

Journal #3

Currently, the schools that are required to wear uniforms are mainly private schools. Public school students don't have to. This is simply because in public school, you aren't paying to go to school there so they can't MAKE you wear uniforms. First of all uniforms are expensive. It's not like the school is just giving them to us for free. The parents have to pay for them from their own pocket. Right now, in this time period, we are in a recession; a lot of people are unemployed or have low paying jobs and low income. For Orlando in March of 2012 the area's jobless rate was 8.6%. Uniforms can be very expensive. Lake Mary Preps uniform tops are about $30 and the shorts are about $20. Do the math and that comes out to $50. For some people that is a lot of money. 
In my opinion uniforms are uncomfortable. I, personally learn better when I am comfortable and relaxed. Collared shirts make me feel enclosed and like I can't move my neck. Also collared shirts are hotter then most regular clothes; they are made of thick material. How can you focus in class when you are worried about cooling off? Now the shorts aren't as bad, but if one day I just feel like bumming it and want to wear sweatpants, I can't because I have to wear the shorts. Sweatpants over kaki or black shorts...I'd take the sweatpants!
Lastly, uniforms mean that everyone is going to be wearing the same thing everyday. After a while that gets really boring. When everyone is wearing the same clothes, it makes it harder to know someones style. I mean think about it, nowadays they have so many different types of clothes that you can tell what a person is like by the way they dress. For example, if you see someone wearing camo, you know that they are into country stuff. Or if someone wears a lot of black make up and dark clothes, you would think they were goth. The way people dress is a representation of them, that's just the bottom line.  

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